Saturday, May 12, 2007

What is a Mud Duck?

I suck at blogging. Seriously I can't keep going for more than a few days, once I even made it for a few months. But I fizzle out and quit. Eventually I stop all together.

I'm a little bored this morning and was clicking through old links. I came across a blog of someone I tagged in January and read her response. She asked what the hell is a mud duck.
"Mud Duck" is a derogatory term used by people in Wisconsin, Iowa and North Dakota to describe residents of Minnesota. The term appears to be a play on the Minnesota nickname of "Land of Ten Thousand Lakes" and the notion of a species of duck that tends to feed on the muck of the bottom of a lake as well as the unclean and raucous habits of ducks generally.

So to Cheeseheads, and Idiots Out Wandering Around, I'm a mud duck. (And I'd rather be a mud duck than claim to be from WI, or IA.) ;)

Just a bit of useless trivia for you.


Unknown said...

In the urban dictionary a mud duck: mud referring to caked on make up, duck refers to being ugly bc shes not a swan (beautiful)....

Unknown said...

So if you live in city areas like Cincinnati dont call someone that bc they might be highly offended.....

Unknown said...

What about in Minneapolis Samantha? Yes or No?

Unknown said...

Just going to prove why Minnesotans are mudducks - THEY'RE ALL BOTTOMFEEDERS!

Unknown said...

A Mudduck is a person with a weak CB radio I'm a Mudduck lol

Unknown said...

Mud duck is a Minnesota resident that is in Wisconsin because we have better fishing, better trails and better hunting. It's in reference to minnrsota's 10,000 lakes that are all too shallow and muddy to support good fish. So they all head over to Wisco where we have better natural sporting resources, better conservation and less infringing regulation.

Unknown said...

A Mudducks' 2 cents: #1 Wisconsin is a beautiful state, and having gone to college there I will always be partial. #2 in MN the term for WI is "sconies". #3 Criticism of MN lakes is only as true as your limited experience #BWCA. #4 At the end of the day, we're all north mid-westerners, and if you've ever lived south of Iowa (which I currently am), they think anything north of the Mason/Dixon line is Canada. So let's all count our blessings and stick together as a proud northern people with 6 mths of winter and gorgeous summers. 😊

Unknown said...

Don't understand where that comes from, but u just proved one Sconie is a bully. #stayclassywisconsin

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


OG two-tone Crenshaw Mafia Blood Cuz said...

a mud duck is a toad as my mom would say a coon if you kick him in the shin they turn purple and puck

Eric Friedrich said...

This very much. Mud Duck is more used to curse bad drivers or a silly term of endearment than anything. I wouldn't get so bent out of shape about it.