Friday, December 14, 2007


Again I'm sucking at keeping up my blog. Apparently I need to pencil it in on my daily schedule.

We have had the crud here at the Mud Duck home. Every single one of us has come down with some form of it. While this is my favorite part of the year, I also hate it because my kiddos seem to bring home every aliment known to man.

And this stuff hangs on tenaciously. I'm on my 3rd week of it. I have kept up with my exercising in the mornings but last week the crud had a hold of me so badly that I skipped it.

I have added Yoga to my regimen. I can't believe how much I enjoy this type of "exercise." I put quotations around exercise because there are some hard core Yogis' out there that cringe when they hear Yoga referred to as exercise.

I'm all gung ho on it though and am constantly surprising myself with how my body can move. I can curl my body into a ball and balance myself for a nano second on my hands.

Okay so it is only for a nano second, but hey I can still say I did it.

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